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Regional Enforcement


Conducting enforcement actions for copyright or trademark infringements


Coordinating strategic enforcement across multiple countries


Settlement negotiations to secure damages, apology and undertakings

Regional Enforcement


Conducting enforcement actions for copyright or trademark infringements


Coordinating strategic enforcement across multiple countries


Settlement negotiations to secure damages, apology and undertakings

Legal Support


Liaising, coordinating, instructing law firms to pursue cease and desist letters, civil actions, injunctions and other legal remedies​


Strategic legal letter program to drive broad impact




Sample purchases​


Evidence gathering


Identification of retail, distribution and source of counterfeits


Compliance Audits​


Factory audits, supply chain & product security


Supplier or Vendor​ verification, due diligence and compliance audits



Public Policy​


Developing public campaigns & working with Governments & 3rd party associations to support / brand the campaigns


Government engagement, lobbying, developing proposals, submissions, whitepapers

Online Monitoring & Takedowns


Conducting online marketplace monitoring for counterfeit products


Issuing takedown notice to online marketplaces, ISPs


Working with online marketplace owners to secure cooperation or joint programs

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